My Slip

26 Mar

Well I knew it was going to happen at some point, at least in the back of my mind I knew it, but I didn’t know it was going to be so pathetic. The meds I take to help me sleep sometimes increase that desire to eat. Last night I took my meds and decided to finish a show I was watching before going to bed. At some point I decided I was hungry, now this is what I bought the yogurt and fruit for. I don’t remember everything clearly, but I know that I got a bag of chips and the salsa from the fridge, I couldn’t find a bowl, so I filled a cup with salsa and went back to my chair. That’s what I remember of the whole thing, and then I remember waking up an hour or so later and I had spilt salsa on my shirt and lap and my hand had salsa all over it from putting it in the cup to dip chips. I got up and cleaned my self up and changed clothes and went to bed.

Now I am left with questions I will get answers to later today. How much salsa did I eat? How many chips did I eat? Did I ruin any clothes?

The only things I am sure about is that I did it and shouldn’t have. I woke up this morning with the taste of stale salsa on my breath and chips in my teeth, and I feel so bad, and embarrassed, about it that I am having trouble even typing this out. In fact that’s all I can say right now.

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Posted by on March 26, 2013 in Weight


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